Senin, 17 April 2017


     A word, phrase, or sentence is ambiguous if it has more than one meaning. The word 'light', for example, can mean not very heavy or not very dark. However, Ambiguity can have both a lexical and a structural basis. The notion of ambiguity has philosophical applications. For example, identifying an ambiguity can aid in solving a philosophical problem.Suppose one wonders how two people can have the same idea, say of a unicorn. This can seem puzzling until one distinguishes 'idea' in the sense of a particular psychological occurrence, a mental representation, from 'idea' in the sense of an abstract, shareable concept. On the other hand, gratuitous claims of ambiguity can make for overly simple solutions.

Types of Ambiguity
     There are two types of ambiguity, lexicaland structural. Lexical ambiguity is by far the more common. Everyday examples include nouns like 'chip', 'pen' and 'suit', verbs like 'call', 'draw' and 'run', and adjectives like 'deep', 'dry' and 'hard'. There are various tests for ambiguity. One test is having two unrelated antonyms, as with 'hard', which has both 'soft' and 'easy' as opposites. Another is the conjunction reduction test. Consider the sentence, 'The tailor pressed one suit in his shop and one in the municipal court'. Evidence that the word 'suit' (not to mention 'press') is ambiguous is provided by the anomaly of the 'crossed interpretation' of the sentence, on which 'suit' is used to refer to an article of clothing and 'one' to a legal action.Sometimes one meaning of a word is derived from another. For example, the cognitive sense of 'see' seems derived from its visual sense. The sense of 'weigh' in 'He weighed the package' is derived from its sense in 'The package weighed two pounds'. Similarly, the transitive senses of 'burn', 'fly' and 'walk' are derived from their intransitive senses.
    Structural ambiguity occurs when a phrase or sentence has more than one underlying structure, such as the phrases 'Tibetan history teacher', 'a student of high moral principles' and 'short men and women', and the sentences 'The girl hit the boy with a book' and 'Visiting relatives can be boring'. These ambiguities are said to be structural because each such phrase can be represented in two structurally different ways, e.g., '[Tibetan history] teacher' and 'Tibetan [history teacher]'. Indeed, the existence of such ambiguities provides strong evidence for a level of underlying syntactic structure (see SYNTAX). Consider the structurally ambiguous sentence, 'The chicken is ready to eat', which could be used to describe either a hungry chicken or a broiled chicken. It is arguable that the operative reading depends on whether or not the implicit subject of the infinitive clause 'to eat' is tied anaphorically to the subject ('the chicken') of the main clause.

Philosofical Relevance
    Although unnoticed ambiguities can create philosophical problems, ambiguity is philosophically important also because philosophers often make spurious claims of it.Philosophers sometimes lament the prevalence of ambiguity in natural languages and yearn for an ideal language in which it is absent. But ambiguity is a fact of linguistic life. Despite the potentially endless supply of words, many words do double duty or more. And despite the unlimited number of sentences, many have several meanings, and their utterance must be disambiguated in light of the speaker's likely intentions.

link of one thesis that relate with this materi is

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

my opinion about rape cases in Indonesia

Rape Cases in My Country, Indonesia
(Kasus Pemerkosaan di Indonesia)

What is rape? Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person’s consent. The act maybe carried out by physical force, coercion abuse of authority or against  a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent. The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault (According to Wikipedia)
So, in this opportunity I would to discuss about Rape in my beloved country, Indonesia. The data shows that when 2010, KPAI said that there are 45,7% (53 cases), when 2007 61,8% or 1.160 cases are rape cases (tindakan sodomi) to children. And the data always rise every year. How poor. Let take some examples. Permerkosaan seorang wanita hingga tewas dan hal yang lebih me-MIRIS-kan lagi adalah wanita ini tewas dengan keadaan telanjang dan juga ganging cangkul yang tertancap di kemaluannya. Seorang wanita berumur 14 tahun diperkosa oleh 14 pria secara bergilir hingga tewas dan 7 dari 14 pria itu adalah anak dibawah umur. Hal baru yang saat ini marak diperbincangkan adalah viralnya sebuah official account in Facebook dimana anggotanya adalah para lelaki yang sedang mencari anak perempuan yang masih dibawah umur untuk dipacarin, bahkan diperkosa. Didalam masyarakat, kalangan ini biasa disebut pedofil. Apa untungnya buat mereka itu adalah urusan psychology yang saya tidak mengerti. Tapi lagi-lagi saya merasa sangat miris. Saya sendiri sudah baca beberapa isi komentar pada setiap postingan mereka bahkan ada yang memberi saran dan tips menaklukkan anak kecil. Dan data terakhir yang saya temukan pada tahun 2015, Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan mencatat bahwa terdapat 321.752 kasus, yang artinya bahwa 881 kasus terjadi setiap harinya. Dan peningkatan kasus itu dari tahun sebelumnya adalah 9%. So, apa yang salah sehingga begitu banyak rentetan kasus lainnya yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan dan cari satu-persatu. Who’s to blame?
In my personality, me as a woman still not safe from sexual abuse in Indonesia, saya tidak bisa menyalahkan banyak pihak disini apalagi untuk menyalahkan pemerintah saya sangat tidak berani. Tapi harus ada penegasan yang lebih untuk keamanan wanita dan anak di negeri ini. Yang lebih membuat saya merasa malu dan miris adalah terlalu banyak anak dibawah umur yang bahkan belum mengerti hal ini malah sudah melakukannya. Kenapa, seorang perempuan yang masih SMP baru pulang sekolah yang artinya masih mengenakan seragam sekolah bisa diperkosa? Itu artinya bukan salah pakaian wanitanya. Mengapa seorang kekasih tega menggilir pacarnya untuk diperkosa bersama teman-temannya hingga tewas? Siapa dan apa yang salah sebenarnya di negeri ini untuk kasus ini? Satu-satunya yang bisa saya pikirkan dan yang paling berpengaruh besar dalam hal ini adalah lingkungan. Baik itu lingkungan di keluarga ataupun lingkungan di pergaulan. Tapi setelah saya pikir kembali, tidak menutup kemungkinan seorang yang latar belakang keluarganya baik tidak dapat berbuat seperti ini. Lalu saya mencoba mencari hal lain yang bisa disalahkan dalam kasus ini. Apakah pendidikan? Mungkin saja, jika kita mencantumkan sex education dalam kurikulum pendidikan kita itu semua akan mengatasi rasa penasaran anak terhadap hal itu. Tapi, tidak juga. Dan akhirnya saya benar-benar tidak mengerti apa yang harus saya salahkan lagi?
Saya hanya ingin kita semua dalam agama apapun berdoa untuk satu konteks yaitu Rape Cases in Indonesia. Saya tau bahwa bukan saya saja yang merasa miris terhadap hal ini tapi kita semua. Satu-satunya orang yang paling bisa mengatasi hal tersebut adalah kita sendiri. Dalam kasus seperti ini tidak bisa diperdebatkan bahwa wanita atau lelakinya yang salah. Tapi dalam hal ini mari kita terus mendoakan negeri ini. Jangan pikirkan bagaimana caramu berdoa dan Siapa nama Tuhan yang kau sebut dalam doamu, tapi pikirkan negeri ini, sudah terlalu rusak moral bangsa ini, terlalu jauh bahkan hamper hilang. In the end, sebagai generasi mudaq penerus bangsa, mari kita berani untuk bertindak tegas terhadap diri sendiri, baik itu dalam hal berpakaian atau dalam hal pergaulan atau dalam hal berhubungan pacaran atau dalam hal berteman, dalam hal berkata dan bertindak semuanya harus dipikirkan baik-baik. Sekian. Terimakasih.


Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

I have fallen in love with someone but it is a wrong decision because i just get hurt, always. and its make me to be more careful when i like or love someone. i have trusted someone's lies but i always cant notice the next lies. Thats all make me doubt to know love again. i dont know how, but someone can make a right decision after made wrong decision. you can not blame s/he, the time or the condition but you because you trust, you love and you think too much and everything that "too much" will hurt you.

Right now, i can not believe a boy's words that tell he really like me or something like that. i just give a smile and say "really?thank you". but i'm a girl right? a girl can not handle her feeling well. a girl just make a decision with heart not brain and its make a girl easy to hurt and sad. Me too, but i learn that when you grow up, you will easy to notice who's the boy that really really really a boy. i means, when you grow up, you dont need a boy but a gentlemen.

  • And one thing that you must remember that, when you break up with a relationship dont ever dare to say you never with s/he and when you are in relationship right now, dont ever dare to give all just because of "LOVE". a true love not about how you and your lover in relationship but how you and your love appreciate its.

Rabu, 22 Maret 2017

Review in review

this is the points from riska's blog which review an article from about semantics. so about the branch of semantics, i'm going to choose AMBIGUITY because i think we often say sentences that have ambiguity meaning. besides, i decided to choose this one because i interested to learn more about ambiguity. so here i put an abstract about ambiguity. here we go

Making Sense of Semantic Ambiguity


There have been several reports in the literature of faster visual lexical decisions to words that are semantically ambiguous. All current models of this ambiguity advantage assume that it is the presence of multiple unrelated meanings that produce this benefit. A set of three lexical decision experiments reported here challenge this assumption. We contrast the ambiguity seen in words likebark, which have multiple unrelated meanings, with words that have multiple related word senses (e.g., twist). In all three experiments we find that while multiple word senses do produce faster responses, ambiguity between multiple meanings delays recognition. These results suggest that, while competition between the multiple meanings of ambiguous words delays their recognition, the rich semantic representations associated with words with many senses facilitate their recognition.

Selasa, 21 Maret 2017


okay guys, today i'm going to make riview about " Two Kinds of Semantics " by Richard Brown. so, here we go!!!

Background: in this post, he Sir Brown explained about
1. the disctinction between P and L semantics corresponds to what one take the semantic task to be.
2. back ground about why he took the semantics of a sentence to be a projection.

Elaborate or the supporting of the point in the background are:
1. one might take the semantics task to be that of giving the meaning of and truth conditions for is primarily a property of thoughts and the semantic task is to explain what property they have which allows them to play the role in behavior that they do. this is what he call P-semantics. on other hand, one might take the semantic task to be that of giving the meaning of senteces independently of their being used to express any thought. this way of thinking about semantics has it as simply a part of grammar. for the illustrate: if he say "Saul Kripke likes tea" he is talking with his dog and someone say it to others about the same topic. and both use the same sentence though the sentence refer to different objects (Strawson 1950/1958). so that we are call L-semantics.

2. He took the semantics of a sentece to be a projection because semantic structure is interpreted. contents of sentences are determined compositionally. Semantic information about sentences is part of sentence grammar and it includes information about expressions whose meanings are relevant to use rather that to truth conditions. Linguistically encoded information can pertain to how the present utterance relates to the previous, to the topic of the present utterance, or to what the speaker is doing. That there  are these sorts of linguistically encoded information shows that the business of sentence semantics can not be confined to giving the proposition it expresses (Bach 1999).

so in conclution, both kinds of theories will be interested in giving the truth conditions of sentences.

Senin, 06 Maret 2017

Review time!!!

     hallo guys, wellcome back to my youtube channel (hahaha ini biasa opening nya para vlogger) okay replay.

     hallo guys, wellcome back to my blog. today its RIVIEW TIME (horeeeee). okay, for this time, i would to review about an article about semantics by Dennis Bielfeldt from South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA.

     so, why i decided to make a review about this one? because this article only has 11 pages includes introduction and key value. so here we go...

     first i would like to review about Description part. a sentence that i really like in this part is "semantics is a great many things process meaning include thoughts, actions, gestures, natural objects, culture and linguistic expressions. so the plus in this part are:
1》he describe about semantics so well
2》he explain about relationship of semantics between other fields in semantic.
3》the description so clearly and guessable to understand and to translate its into our own mind/words.
4》gives deeply explanation and ter-struktur sekali.
if there is plus, there is minus also. they are...
1》minus additional of other experts (opini parah ahli)
2》there is no specific example or terlalu irit contoh

     the second part is about self-identification. in this part, there are some subtitles that relate with this part. there are...

A. Science
     1. explain about the relationship between semantics and science
     2. there are some additional of experts
     3. clear and deeply explanation

     1. minus of example

B. Religion
     #1 he explain that semantics not talk about the religion but about traditions of religion.
    #2 tidak menyinggung pihak manapun
    #3 have good idea and good elaborate

    -1 minus of example
    -2 need more additional and condition
    -3 need more analysis example

     the others part of this article is good and easy to understand or to get the point because he used general word. then, in every part, he makes us understand about what he mind and imagine and also the key idea of every subtitles is so interesting and sesuai dengan apa yang cocok dibahas pada era seperti sekarang.

     but, almost in every part just has little example and too general. we need specific example. besides, the article need some additional to compare his idea and the others idea.

     i think enough. THANK YOU!!!

Senin, 02 Januari 2017


A. News Item

      4 November from University of Riau
     on 4th of November ago, indonesia staged a massive demonstration. This action was motivated by a case of blasphemy by Mr. Ahok as a governor of DKI Jakarta.
     It also happened in Riau. some students of University of Riau (UR) did the same action with located near from a mental hospital,Tampan (Grace Amelia, Faculty Economic of UR). They said that this action is a form of their defense of religion was insulted by Mr. Ahok.

B. Report Text
                     Pekanbaru City
     Pekanbaru is the capital of Riau province. The city which has 12 districts and 83 villages is a city of trade and services, including as a city with a growth rate, migration and urbanization are high. Its population reaches 1.1 million in 2016. Pekanbaru itself has been developing well. The city which number 10 of the biggest cities in Indonesia has unic sides that make Pekanbaru different from the other cities in Indonesia.

     Geography of Pekanbaru  has a strategic position in the path East Sumatera, connected with several cities such as Medan, Padang and Jambi. With  the administrative area, it is flanked by Siak regency on the north and east, while the west and south by the District of Kampar. Pekanbaru is included to tropical climate with maximum temperatures ranging between 34.1 ° C to 35.6 ° C and minimum temperature between 20.2 ° C to 23.0 ° C.

     Beside that,  caused Pekanbaru is the city with imigrant and urbanization are high,  making Pekanbaru has many kinds of ethics. In 2014, Pekanbaru has become the fourth most populous city in Sumatra after Medan, Palembang, and Bandar Lampung. Based on census 2010, compotition of ethics in Pekanbaru is won by Minangnese with 37,96 %, Malaynese 26,10 %, Java 15,70 %, Bataknese11,06 %, Tionghoa2,5 %, the others 6,7 %. It also influences the religion there,  like Muslim as the biggest in Pekanbaru,  next Christian,  Buddhist and so on.

C. Discussion Text
                        Bertuah or Madani?
     Pekanbaru is one of biggest city in Riau. It also as a capital city of Riau province. Almost all of people know Pekanbaru with slogan is "Pekanbaru Kota Bertuah". But, when Firdaus-Ayat as a mayor of Pekanbary, the slogan be "Pekanbaru Kota Madani". The new slogan becomes a major topic to discuss among society.
     This slogan as a program and vision-mission of our mayor that to make Pekanbaru as Madani City. The Pro points of this case are as follow:
1. to support our mayor's vision-mission.
2. to make a new point of view.
3. as a good program of our mayor.
     on the other side, the new slogan of Pekanbaru become a big controversy. The contra points are:
1. almost all people know Pekanbaru as Kota Bertuah. Its not just a slogan but has fully meaning and historical meaning.
2. if just a program to make Pekanbaru as Madani City just make it as a program without change the old slogan of Pekanbaru.
3. this case no transparation to us(society).
4. Bertuah is a manlinnes of Pekanbaru.
     In conclusion, we have to keep the old slogan because its the truthly identity of Pekanbaru.