Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

introduce to...

Hay readers...
okay. first, before i begin, let me introduce my self.

I'm Indri Christina and u can call me ind or indri or beauty hahaha(next). i dont know what i have to write in this section. but i will try to tell u about my life(?).

So, my hobbies is writing some notice of love and a short story like love story. my favorite writer is Raditya Dika and my favorite publisher is teentlit.  honestly, i wanna be a writer but my mom didn't agree with it and i want to make my mom to be happy. so that is the reason kenapa malah ngambil jurusan ini.

beside that, i'd like to dance. i'm a dancer in my senior high school and the leader. my team is GoldenStar. kenapa suka dance? for me, dance can express what i feel. dan kalau lagi nge dance itu rasanya bebas aja. And dance is one of art yang gunain many part like focus, music, gesture, memory, brain, time, beat and banyak lagi.

next... myfav color is blue and grey. why?because blue its mean myself. soalnya warna biru itu damai banget,lembut banget adem banget. sesuai kriteria yang saya claim sendiri berdasarkan argument orang orang terdekat yang mencoba memberikan tanggapan soal saya. katanya aku nih orangnya suka mendam sesuatu tapi kalau udah diungkapin deras banget dan aku gak sembarang mengungkap cerita ke orang. sometimes, i make a difference view to different people. makanya warna biru itu complicated myself. kalau aku udah ceritain segala kejujuran yang terpendam deras banget ngalirnya like waves gitu. soal warna grey, why? because some people told me that i'm mysterious people. Aku juga suka warna itu karena netral dan aku bisa ngatur kemana aku mau nyiptain warnanya,white or black.

tell about myself, actually, aku itu dulu pengennya ngambil jurusan ilmu komunikasi atau psikologi. but, i wont late to make my mommy be happy. so, according to whats my mommy want, i choose English as my major. i think, i can continue my dream after i finish my collage. ya gitulah, namanya juga sayang emak. anything i will do. ntahlah, aku cuma pengen wujud-in keinginan sang bidadari surga saja.

okay next... i will tell about my family. for me, family is a important things and like my dynasty. my father is my first love. my mother is my first friend. i have 3 brothers and i'm one and only girl beside my mom. some day i will go way from my family cause they are so... what i have to say? but, i'll never ever do it cause i don't know how my life without my family cause they know me so well.

i have some pictures and sorry if our style is bad for your eyes. haha

This my mom and my dad. when my mom's birthday. sweet?iyaiyalah hellow wkwkwk

this is my angel. meskipun bawel,cerewet,mengesalkan tapi ya ntah lah naluri seorang anak nih bawaan pengen bahagiain aja gitu

tada..... is my familu. YES my family include my doggy, our buddy is BROWNY. anak gaul tuh, rajin selfie. where is my brother?

nah nih ada abang aku. ntahglah gantengnya banget deh banyak yg naksir huft.

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