Morphology is the branch of linguistics (and one of the major components of grammar) that studies word structures, especially in terms of morphemes. Adjective: morphological.
Morpho is forms and Logos is knowledge or science, so MORPHOLOGY ( MORPHOLOGIE from Yunani ) is the study about forms (ilmu tentang bentuk). In morphology we will learn about morphemes, Morphemes is last part of words ( satuan terkecil dari kata ). this is the explanation about morphemes :
1. Sebuah wacana dapat dipecah menjadi kalimat
2. Kalimat dapat dipecah menjadi bagian makna terkecil, yaitu kata
3. Kata dapat terdiri atas beberapa morfem, contohnya menanamkan = me-tanam-kan, bisa juga hanya terdiri atas satu morfem, misalnya rumah, kursi, selamat, eksekusi
This simple way to analyze morphology:
In adjectives
Smaller 2 morphs small/er
Smallest 2 morphs small/est
Better 1 morph better
In verbs
Worked 2 morphs work/ed
Wrote 1 morph wrote
Written 1. Morph written
Working 2 morph work/ing
Put 1 morph put
In Gerund
Sittings 3 morph sit/ing/s
In Pronouns
We 1 morph we
Him 1 morph him
Its 2 morph it/s
- understanding morphology, we will be easy to make a good words
- we can combining with other words if we have a good knowledge about morphology
- we can make a good part of speech and language related with words
- morphology is a basic all words in language
Process of morphemes :
1. Affixation or Afaksi or Afiks is the process to add imbuhan
2. Reduplication is repeat basic of forms in all part or half of part
3. Composition is Komposisi adalah hasil dan proses penggabungan morfem dasar dengan morfem dasar, baik yang bebas maupun yang terikat sehingga terbentuk sebuah konstruksi yang memiliki identitas leksikal yang berbeda, atau yang baru.
Proses pembentukan kata dari dua morfem bermakna leksikal.
Contoh : lalu + lintas = lalu lintas
rumah + sakit = rumah sakit
sapu + tangan = sapu tangan
4. Conversion , Modification and Suplesi
conversion is the way to make a word from other word without change segmental element
modification is add the others element in one word or one element
suplesi is make a new form
5. Pemendekan adalah pembentukan singkatan
i think that's all, thanks
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