Hy readers,wellcome to this section. I would explain about PHONOLOGY. Yes, PHONOLOGY is one of branch of LINGUISTICS. And still about SOUND...
Similiar to PHONETICS,PHONOLOGY is the study of how sounds will be occur,how sounds are organized and learn about natural language, also study about how they change depending on certain situations or placements in syllables, words, and sentences(they refers to sounds). Do you know what is natural language?
Thats right honey, natural language refers to a human language or spoken language. Bingung kan?sama hehe. According to one of website i have red, natural language is a language used as a native tongue by a group of speakers...
So,what the relantionship with our topic? I dont know but i'd like to try to explain with my version. Hehehe
Fonologi itu lebih ke sistemnya gitu. Dia lebih detail. Lebih ke suara yang bukan hanya kita dengar tapi tersirat di otak kita. In some situation, PHONOLOGY has relantionship between fisiologi and anatomi(organ ucap) or for simple defenition, PHONOLOGY/FONOLOGIE(DUTCH) is about F - O - N - E - M. Selain fonem,ada istilah lain yang jadi object fonologi yaitu fona,vokal dan konsonan.
-Fona is the natural sound. Maksudnya disini adalah belum terbukti membedakan arti. Jadi, kalau bahasa ilmiahnya, fona itu adalah HIPOTESA atau praduga tak bersalah wkwk
-Fonem udah kan tadi? Fonem lawannya fona. Fonem has varition thats called Alofon. And symbol of fonem is HURUF. So fonem and huruf has different meaning.
-Vokal dan Konsonan udah tau dong ya apaan.
I think enough from me,because i dont very clearly with phonology and i'm still learn this lesson so hard and i just got a little point. But,BUT,B-u-t, i will try to get another point and repost in this section. Okay honey,byebey. T
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