Selasa, 17 Mei 2016


Halo guys, for this section i will try to explain about SEMANTICS. what it is???
okay, semantics of course is the study of the meaning. that is a simple definition about semantics. But, i will try to explain more than definition. check it out...

Definition of Semantics

- According to Richmond H. Thomason " semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistics expression. The language can be natural language, such as English or Navajo, or a artificial language like a computer programming language ".
- According to The Evolution of language (2010) by W. Tecumseh Fitch " semantics is the branch of language study that consistently rubs shoulder with philosophy. this is because the study of meaning rises a host of deep problems that are the traditional stomping grounds for philosophers ".
- According to Hockett (1945) " language is a complex system from habits and the system has 5 subsystem namely Grammatical, Phonology, Morph-phonemic (morfo-fonemik), Phonetic and Semantic.
- According to Ferdinand de Saussure "  lingustics without semantics is nothing ".

According to Hockett's statement about 5 subsystem that their ( refers to 5 subsystem ) position is different . Grammatical, Phonology and Morph-Phonemic is central and Phonetics also Semantics is periferal. Why semantics is periferal? karena makna yang menjadi objek semantics adalah sangat tidak jelas ( according to Linguistik Umum by Abdul Chaer (page 285) ).

so, where is semantics? semantics and the object (meaning) there are around phonology, morphology and syntax.

Type of Meaning

>  Lexical, Grammatical and Contextual

- Lexical is makna yang dimiliki atau ada pada leksem meski tanpa konteks apapun ( makna sebenarnya sesuai hasil observasi indera kita. Seperti kuda, makna leksikalnya adalah binatang kaki empat yang biasa dikendarai. 
- Grammatical is makna karena proses gramatikal. Misalnya, mem dengan tambahan dasar baca. maknanya adalag kegiatan membaca buku.
- Contextual is  makna sebuah kata dalam satu konteks bisa juga tergantung situasinya ( tempat, waktu dan lingkungan ).

> Connotation and Denotation

> Conceptual and Associative

Relasi Makna

- Synonym and Antonym
- Polisemi adalah kata dengan makna lebih dari satu.
- Homonimi adalah kata yang kebetulan sama tapi beda makna.
- Ambigu adalah kata dengan makna ganda karena tafsiran yang berbeda.

Semantics and Syntax

Syntax and semantics both work at sentence level. Syntax has to do with the form and order of words within the sentence. Semantics has to do with the meaning. Syntax is language dependent, whereas the semantics remains the same if the same sentence were expressed in another language.

40 komentar:

  1. Please give me explain and example about Conceptual and Associative. Thanks.

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Conceptual is the truth meaning same like lexical and denotative. Exp: Red is a color, crocodile is one of a wild animals. Whereas, Associative is kata yang memiliki leksem. seprti Red is symbolize of braveness and crocodile is symbolize of kekuasan,maybe. i think so, thanks

  2. Why do you only concern in linguists perspective ( sense ) like polysemy , overlap ,etc ?

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. well, sorry for that, cause I just learned about it. I'll fix it again in another time .

  3. Where is your explaination about philosopber's perspective ( reference and truth conditions )? Thanks :)

  4. What is the relation between semantics (truth conditions and reference) ? Thank you :)

  5. Could you post examples for semantics? Thk u

    1. hi, you can see this link . Thanks for your Question.

  6. You tell us about polisemi,homonimi,ambiguity. And how about hiponimi? Can you explain about that? Oke thanks

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well, sorry for minim explained. Hiponimi is the meaning that has relationship with others meaning ( ada makna yang tercakup dalam makna lain ) for exp, doves/pigeons and birds. Dove is one of kind of birds. However , not only the pigeons are included in bird species. Thanks

  7. could you explain about Connotation and Denotation,Conceptual and Associative in semantic,thanks :)

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well, Conceptual is the truth meaning same like lexical and denotative. Exp: Red is a color, crocodile is one of a wild animals. Whereas, Associative is kata yang memiliki leksem. seprti Red is symbolize of braveness and crocodile is symbolize of kekuasan,maybe. And Connotation is
      figurative meaning, exp : you are male crocodile. of course, he is not a really crocodile. and Denotation is the truth meaning. thanks

  8. please give me example Synonym and Antonym dari relasi makna......

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well, exp for synonym is " FREEDOM " and " LIBERTY ". they have same meaning that FREE/kebebasan. thanks

  9. could you tell me about different between konotasi meaning and kias meaning ??

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well,Connotation is figurative meaning, exp : you are male crocodile. of course, he is not a really crocodile. and Denotation is the truth meaning. thanks

  10. Hii Ndri.. You have explained us about the relation of meaning. But you didn't explained us about hiponimi and redundasi. Could you tell me the definition and the examples about it? Thank you 😊

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well, sorry for minim explained. Hiponimi is the meaning that has relationship with others meaning ( ada makna yang tercakup dalam makna lain ) for exp, doves/pigeons and birds. Dove is one of kind of birds. However , not only the pigeons are included in bird species. and Redundasi is over meaaning ( makna yang berlebih-lebihan) misalnya rumput dimakan oleh kambing. Kalimat simplenya bisa saja kambing makan rumput. kata OLEH lebih menonjolkan pelakunya. sebenarnya informasi yang diberikan dua kalimat itu sama saja. ( Linguistik Umum oleh Abdul Chaer, page 310, 7.3.7 ) thanks

  11. Could you give us some examples for words of "ambigu" but words in English, thanks

    1. Hi, thanks for your questions, i'll try to answer, sorry for late cause i just have quota. Well, exp for it like " "2 children better", it can be means that 2 children is good or MORE than 2 children is good. can u see it? or " the chicken is ready to eat " can means that the chicken was ready to be eaten or the chicken ready to eat something. thanks

  12. Hey, apa aja kegunaan semantik dalam kehidupan sehari - hari?

    1. hi gita, thanks for your question. Well, banyak banget ya kegunaannya. kita bisa memilah makna dalam setiap kata yang kita ucapkan. kita juga bisa mengartikan tiap kata yang kita dengar. semantics itu ada dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari kok. jadi gak rugi dan sangat menguntungkan jika kita lebih mengerti materi ini. THANKS

  13. Hello Indri, What is relationship between syntax and semantic? Thanks

    1. HI, thanks for the question. Well, syntax is about form of the words and semantics is about the meaning of the words. so the relation is syntax is nothing between semantics. cause every words have meaning. thanks

  14. Balasan
    1. hi july, semantics is the study about meaning. jadi di materi ini kita akan belajar bahwa kata mempunyai arti dan arti kata itu memiliki makna. bahkan didalam makna ada makna juga loh. btw, thanks for your question.

  15. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  16. Hi indri, thanks for information that you have posted here, i can understand it

  17. hai indri, can you give example about Homonimi?

    1. hi nur, thanks for the question. btw, sorry banget baru balas questionnya, baru ada kuota nih. Well, example for homonim is BLUE. BLUE could have meaning a color and sad ( perasaan sedih ) or "TYPE" could have meaning type on keyboard or type = kind, species or variety. thanks nur. GBU

  18. Nice blog indrii and i wanna ask you, so what is different between lexical and grammatical in semantics? And can you give me example both of them? Thank u☺

    1. hi, za. thanks for the question. btw, sorry banget baru balas questionnya, baru ada kuota nih. Well, first, Lexical meaning is the meaning of word without paying attention to the way that is used or to the words that occur with it while Grammatical meaning is the meaning in terms of grammar.Grammatical meaning refers to that part of meaning which indicates grammatical relationships or functions, such as tense meaning, singular meaning, etc. second, Lexical meaning is dominant in content words, whereas grammatical meaning is dominant in function words, but in neither is grammatical absent while The contain of grammatical meaning Grammatical meaning consists of : 1. Word-class For example: Modern (adjective), modernize (verb), modernization (noun). 2. Inflectional paradigm e.g. grammatical meaning of plurality (desks, data). i think that all. thanks, GBU

  19. hi Indri, could you give me some examples about Contextual? thanks

    1. hi, thanks for the question. btw, sorry banget baru balas questionnya, baru ada kuota nih. Well, Context is what gives something meaning. For example, the word "c o c k" has many possible meanings... but if I say, "before you shoot the target, be sure to c o c k the pistol" now you know what the word means because I've given it context. Contextual is simply the adjective form -- "of or relating to the context".

  20. Hi indri, please tell me definition about type of meaning by contextual.

    1. hi, riska. pertanyaannya sama kaya widya ya. hehe. Well, Context is what gives something meaning. For example, the word "c o c k" has many possible meanings... but if I say, "before you shoot the target, be sure to c o c k the pistol" now you know what the word means because I've given it context. Contextual is simply the adjective form -- "of or relating to the context".

  21. Hi, Indri. Could you give me example of Ambigu. Thankyou

    1. the example: The sentence "He pulled out a twenty-thousand" raises a double meaning in "twenty thousand". The phrase it have two meanings:
      1. Two hundred / thousand = twenty thousand pieces.
      2. Twenty-thousand = one twenty-thousand-rupiahs bills.
      btw, thanks for yourQ bby,GBU
